
General services: Lift, luggages, reception 24 hours a day, room safe-deposit, box, minibar, heating, air conditioning, , family rooms, newspapers on request, restaurant that has a convention with the hotel, Roof Garden Bar (summer)

Other services: Buffet breakfast, fax, photocopier, room service, laundry/ironing service 24 hours a day, payment only shuttle service

Internet: Free Wi-Fi connection from every part of the structure.

Car park: Free private car parking without booking.  The parking spaces are few and are not always availbble. There is not CCTV.

Childen and extra beds: An under three years child does not pay anything and sleeps in a cot. There is only a cot in each room but for extra beds or cots are available on demand with the the hotel’s confirm.

Animals: Small pets are allowed on request.

Credit Cards accepted: American Express, Visa, Euro/Mastercard, Maestro,Cartasi, Diners.

Buffet breakfast: It is served from 7.00 am to 10.00 every day and at 8.00 am to 10.30 am on Sunday and on holidays.